For this project, we had to choose two events and take photos that reflected both of them. For the Outside, we were the ‘fly on the wall’ photographer, I chose photos that I had taken from the last Run Around the Square race.
The Run Around the Square race is the 3rd largest of Pittsburgh. For the last 38 years, the race took over Regent Square and Frick Park.
The 5K race had the participants start in the neighborhood of Regent Square, traveled through Frick park, run across the Fern Hollow Bridge, and end up in the Hollow of Frick Park. The race was famous within Pittsburgh as the only race to offer free beer and hotdogs from Pittsburgh’s own D’s Six Pack and Dogs, located right off of South Braddock in Regent Square.
This is a historical event for regent square because it is these photos were the last time that the race took place over the fern hollow bridge before it collapsed on January 28, 2022. It’s the Board’s hope that the race will be able to be redesigned to let participants run over the new bridge once it’s completed.
I had an easier time taking these photos since I’ve been taking these photos for a while for Run ARound the Square. When I take photos of events like this, I don’t care what the subjects think of me since the goal is to take photos.
The Fern Hollow Bridge collapsed on January 28, 2022 at 6:40 AM. A Port Authority bus and 4 other vehicles were on the Forbes Avenue bridge that connected Squirrel Hill to the East End when it collapsed. READ MORE
For our Inside part of the project, I chose the Bachelorette party that I attended for my future sister-in-law, Ellen. She is the tall blonde woman with glasses in the photos.
This was the perfect example of the inside project as I am a bridesmaid at Ellen’s wedding, the event is on March 26, 2022.
The party took place in Lawrenceville, where we bar hopped throughout Bulter Street to Eleventh Hour, Industry Public House, and Condados. The Ladies were very hesitant to let me take photos of them, so I had to alternate between my camera and my phone.
The hesitation came from the idea of random photos where everyone looked a little weird. I tried to be respectful of that, so I limited the photos when we were sitting for a while.
I definitely felt a little awkward photographing them since they had more reservations for me to photograph them. I cared what they thought of me and I didn’t want to upset anyone. It’s easier for me to photograph on the outside looking in.
Countdown until dan & ellen's wedding