“At some point we had to give our CDs away along with a purchased tshirt” Max Philigan, bass. “People were more interested in the design of our logo on the tshirt.”

It’s like wrangling cats…

Much of what started this band of misfits had to do with past and current relationships, with a handful of coincidences. Mr. Hallowee, trumpet, is brother with C-Daddy. C-Daddy is also brothers-in-law with Bubby, percussion. DreamCatcher, saxophone, is engaged with Mr. Halloween, soon to be sister-in-law to C-Daddy. C-Daddy and Smoothe McGroove, drummer, grew up on the same street.

My name is C-Daddy because my first name starts with ‘C’ and I have kids.

iNCO FIdO has gotten together every Sunday, hashing out two albums, and opened with Ska bands around the Pittsburgh area. The ‘iNCO FIdO’ came from C-Daddy, who happened upon the name in graffiti passing a street near his home.