
This is a collection of photos for a class project

The settings used were the following:

Shutter speed: 1/200, ISO: 800, Exposure: F5.6

This was one of the days that I took photos with the settings. It was a small gathering to spend time with my Grams, who turned 87 last October. She has late-onset dementia and only remembers her grandchildren and their childhood. I had to make sure to hide the camera because she has a tendency to stress herself out. There was a strong possibility, based on past experiences, that she would start to get confused where she was and forget more. 

This is a continuation of the same night. I was trying to take more photos of my Gran, but she slowly started catching on that I was taking photographs of her. In order to keep her calm and make her less suspicious, I started to take photos of people from the kitchen table. It was a unique angle for the photos. The settings made the whole atmosphere dark, luckily the kitchen has a blend of different light and dark color, which allowed the light to lighten the kitchen enough for the camera. 

This was another night where the lighting was just too dark for the camera. It created a dark mood. The last photo is of my cat, and the lighting of the hallway light gave the photo a really dark reddish quality. He was recently at the vet office that morning so he was sleeping longer than normal. When I took his photo, he was just groggy from the day, but the photo makes him look incredibly diabolical. 

I was running out of time to go out and take photos, so I started to take photos at work. There was a lot of opportunities for different subjects so I started asking around. At our office in the University of Pittsburgh, we have a flexible work schedule. 2 out of the 5 days, I work remotely and a lot of our staff work on the opposite schedule to limit the amount of people in the office. The first 3 photos were of Tamika, who was being featured for our Newsletter. I added different photos of her because I kept trying to get her to smile. 

I continued to take photos at work for this project. I was able to secure more subjects and start playing around for the right White Balance. The settings were alright for inside work, but not so much for the outdoors. Especially outside in the snow, there was even more light, so I couldn’t control a lot of the images with just the white balance alone.