Be a Witness
For this project, I decided to be a witness in Oakland, Pittsburgh, PA. Within these photos, I took on a role of a witness as I continued through the streets of Oakland. Many people were oblivious to me taking photos as they continued on their day. I also took a series of photos of the local establishments, some that had been there for decades, while others have changed. Oakland, much like Pittsburgh neighborhoods, recycle their buildings; however, they keep small parts of the business before them.

Working at the University of Pittsburgh for the past 5 years, I’ve seen many redevelopment plans talked about for the historical neighborhood of Pittsburgh. Many who live in Oakland are accustomed to students filling up the crowded streets of 5th and Forbes avenue. The one-way streets are cluttered with students, medical professionals, and of course, cars. The first 2 photos I took are to demonstrate the narrow streets cluttered with old buildings.
Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey requests 2nd 30-day pause on Oakland Crossings proposal
According to Julia Felton from Trib Live: “Oakland Crossings, a 17-acre project, would require a zoning amendment, which is being considered by the city’s Planning Commission.
The developer’s plans include about 1,000 housing units, a neighborhood grocery store, an addition of urban green space and an elevated pedestrian bridge spanning the Boulevard of the Allies.” Read More Here.

There have been changes to Bigelow Blvd and 5th avenue to create more space for the students as they travel to and from class. To create an order for students, pathways were created around the Cathedral of Learning and the William Pitt Union so students couldn’t form large crowds around the area. The University also created a raised platform in the middle of Bigelow Blvd for students to walk safer between the Cathedral and the William Pitt Union. They also created traffic signs for pedestrian walking against the on going traffic trying to drive to either 5th or Forbes.
There has been several new coverages regarding the upcoming changes around the old neighborhood. The OPDC, Oakland Planning and Developing Corporation, has gathered as many sources as it could to inform the citizens who reside there.

Oakland and the University of Pittsburgh has several historical buildings that bring pride to the neighborhood. Many outsiders understand the Cathedral of Learning or St. Pauls Cathedral. In this photo of Bellefield Presbyterian Church, I wanted to demonstrate how the University uses all of the spaces it has. Here in the church, Pitt Students can find the Pitt Pantry, a food bank dedicated to combat food insecurity for many students. The program is run by Pitt Student Services and volunteers.