POWER stands for women



This project is focused on promoting POWER, Pennsylvania Organization of Women in Early Recovery. A nonprofit stationed in Pittsburgh, PA that is for Women. 

Our mission is to help women reclaim their lives from addiction and related emotional health issues and improve the well-being of future generations.

Rosa Davis-CEO

Anyone can call the POwer line, including women or men who are struggling with substance use and those concerned about a loved one.

Call 412.243.8755

or visit: power-recovery.com

Artist’s Statement

I focus on documentary filmmaking to promote nonprofits. The documentary films have a call-to-action platform that brings awareness to the issues that nonprofits seek to address. I want my films’ viewers to walk away with a longing to change the world. I hope my films would motivate my viewers to challenge their way of thinking and to view reality from another person’s perspective.

POWER envisions a day when all women struggling with addiction will embrace the journey and realize the promise of recovery, enhancing and strengthening relationships with their children, their family, and their community. POWER’s mission is to help women reclaim their lives from addiction and related emotional health issues and to improve the well-being of future generations. As the region’s leading provider of gender-responsive, trauma-informed drug and alcohol services, POWER helps women build a strong foundation to sustain their recovery. They provide a continuum of care designed to address a woman’s total wellness, including their physical and mental health.


Each subject I film becomes personal to me. Nonprofits are groups of individuals who have dedicated themselves to change someone’s life for the better. Whenever I help bring awareness to an issue that a non-profit is dedicated to change, I feel as if I am helping unload some burden off someone’s shoulders. Change doesn’t happen in a day and it takes more than one person to achieve it.