Moderate, severe, or very severe

Aplastic Anemia can strike any age regardless of race or gender. Each year, between 600 and 900 people in the U.S. are diagnosed. 

A rare condition in which the body stops producing enough new blood ceIls.

Daniel Charles Muchnok III

Bone Marrow Failure happens when the marrow doesn’t produce enough red cells, white cells or platelets, or the blood cells that are produced are damaged or defective. This means the body can not supply itself with the blood it needs. 

Artist’s Statement

I focus on documentary filmmaking to promote nonprofits. The documentary films have a call-to-action platform that brings awareness to the issues that nonprofits seek to address. I want my films’ viewers to walk away with a longing to change the world. I hope my films would motivate my viewers to challenge their way of thinking and to view reality from another person’s perspective.

 This is the first documentary I attempted. In 2010, I was diagnosed with Very Severe Aplastic Anemia. I was able to have a 100% match with my brother, Danny. Afterwards, I wanted to do my part to bring awareness to the disease and tell the stories of the people and their families who were affected by the disease.


 Each subject I film becomes personal to me. Nonprofits are groups of individuals who have dedicated themselves to change someone’s life for the better. Whenever I help bring awareness to an issue that a non-profit is dedicated to change, I feel as if I am helping unload some burden off someone’s shoulders. Change doesn’t happen in a day and it takes more than one person to achieve it.