‘Gwen’ is not her real name

While this project is about challenging the stigma on genital herpes, we also want to protect ‘Gwen’ and her choices. Not everyone in her life knows she has the virus, and it’s her choice to reveal her identity, not the project’s right.

It is predicted that 60-95% of the world’s population is affected by the Herpes Virus.

Daniel Charles Muchnok III


I laid out all the facts for him. The stats, the works, and there was only 6% chance of him contracting the virus because of the new medication that I researched.

- 'Gwen'

Artist’s Statement

I focus on documentary filmmaking to promote nonprofits. The documentary films have a call-to-action platform that brings awareness to the issues that nonprofits seek to address. I want my films’ viewers to walk away with a longing to change the world. I hope my films would motivate my viewers to challenge their way of thinking and to view reality from another person’s perspective.

 My current project is a short documentary called ‘Anonymous’. This project focuses on a woman, Gwen, as she talks about her life with genital herpes. Her real name is hidden to protect her identity as most people in her life do not know of her condition. The purpose of this film is to bring awareness about the misunderstandings of herpes as well as to combat the stigma that surrounds the disease.


 Each subject I film becomes personal to me. Nonprofits are groups of individuals who have dedicated themselves to change someone’s life for the better. Whenever I help bring awareness to an issue that a non-profit is dedicated to change, I feel as if I am helping unload some burden off someone’s shoulders. Change doesn’t happen in a day and it takes more than one person to achieve it.